Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Petrified Forest and Painted Desert

We made it to Holbrook AZ today by way of Flagstaff..  We got here early enough to go to the Petrified National Park and Painted  Desert which is just down the road from here. It reminded us of the Badlands but then there are these petrified trees everywhere.   Took lots of pictures, saw some Pueblo ruins and looked at lots of Petrified wood.  It is amazing to me how much the scenery can change in just a hundred miles.  

Pueblo ruins


Petrified log
BTW: If I do nothing else this trip, I WILL figure out this satellite/atenna problem.  Now the antenna interfers with the satellite. Before I coudn't get the antenna to work at all so we could not get network programming. Now the Antenna wants to take over. Other RVers seem to be able to easily switch from one to the other.  I will not be defeated!

1 comment:

  1. Karen, you might try "". Looks like you may be able to get some input, anyway. Good luck! Happy trails .....
