Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Memory Lane

Today was a momentous day.  We drove to Florence AZ where I worked 42 years ago at Pinal Hospital as a Lab Technologist.  We found the hospital that is in the same place but has been modernized.  We also found the property where I lived.  It is the same except that the trailer I lived in has been replaced with a newer model.  And the Prison is in the same place as I remembered.  I used to go there and draw blood for the blood bank from the female prisoners.  The town has not changed much but is now referred to as Historic Florence. I had a bicycle that I rode back and forth to work.  Obviously it made a lasting impression even though I was only there for about 2 months.  No wonder my parents did not want to leave me there but they agreed to  let me stay.  Mom always said that they had a terrible trip home worrying about me.  Thanks Mom and Dad for letting me find my way.
My Homesite
The Prison

The Hospital

Historic Florence

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