Monday, April 9, 2012

Devil's Punchbowl

Hunting for a Geocache

Devil's Punchbowl is a rock formation not far from Palmdale, so we all went to do a little hiking, rock hunting (Garrett's favorite pastime) and Geocaching.  For the uninitiated, geocaching is finding hidden  treasures placed by other Geocachers using the GPS.   The Hike was along the edge of the Punchbowl down to the bottom and then back up.  For a couple of out of shape seniors, the back up part was daunting but we made it and to put it in Gary's terms, "there was no choice".   Resolved:  continue with the fitness plan.  We did find one Geocache which was exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Had that same "no choice" experience at Yellowstone! Darn near killed me. Happy hiking!
