Sunday, March 18, 2012

Los Banos CA

This is the 3rd full day of our adventure and we have landed in Los Banos,CA. Arrived this afternoon around 3pm after a lot of hills again from Willits,CA to I-5(105 miles) and then south on flat and wonderfully boring I-5. Karen drove from Williams,CA and got her baptism driving with the tow dolly from Williams, especially around Sacramento with the multiple lanes and many fast drivers. No rain today, lots of sun but have found way too much wind here in this area(about 77 miles south of Fresno). There are lots of signs around here with dead fruit trees(Staged I believe) the signs say "The Dust Bowl Created by Congress", not sure what that is all about. Each day we learn something. Ttoday I talked with a guy from British Columbia who was headed home after spending a few months in Yuma and Mesa,AZ. If travelers stay longer than 183 days the USA requires them to pay Income Tax here even though they are retired,, pretty crazy I thought. I am sure I learned more than that today but that stood out plus I really got a good idea for a bike rack for our RV. Will see if Jeff and I can make it work this week. We should be at his house tomorrow afternoon. We went out for dinner tonight and found a GREAT Italian Restaurant in Los Banos called "M&M Italian Restaurant", our first dining out on this trip. We would highly recommend it to anyone if you are ever in this area on your way to Yosemite National Park.

Just an addendum about my driving today. I advised Gary that the perspective is a lot different on the Navigator side and I did not want to hear any gasping or yelling if he thought we were too close to the edge of the road. I did notice a lot of leaning to the center but rest assured I was safely in my lane. He also learned that there is a lot of responsibility that goes with that side of the vehicle. Checking weather, gas buddy prices, location, obtaining snacks and drinks and adjusting environmental controls. There is really no time for napping.


  1. Karen, I do agree with you, no napping allowed! I love this, it is really nice to follow your big adventure! Keep posting. Are you guys coming to Denver? Are you going to Sioux City? Weekend of April 20,21 & 22 will have a bunch of Denver and Houston family in attendance. It would be great if the Washington family was there also! (hint & hint) Love you guys. Darlene

  2. Hey Karen-don't take any lip that is a characteristic of passengers!! Like your dad would have said "If you want to sleep-go to bed!!" I say a prayer each day for your safety and have enjoyed the journey thus far. Thank you for sharing. Glad i read this i had no idea anyone was going to be here that ere but for whatever reason I am the last to be surprised. Love to both of you.
