Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another great day at Doheny Beach State Park.  We spent some time on the beach this morning. As you can see we have a great view from our front window.

This dry camping thing is working out so far.  Only one glitch.  Park rules say you can't run the generator until 10AM so no power to any outlets.    We have an electric coffee maker so no coffee until then.  Oh the sacrifices you have to make.  Now I wish I would never have gotten rid of the old drip coffee maker that we had when we were tenting. Will have to see if we can find an acceptable non-electric substitute.  Gotta have that coffee!

It is certainly a small world., Dave Alison and Hayley are staying about 8 miles up the road at Laguna Beach. They came down and spent the afternoon with us. It was nice to spend time with them and catch up. Funny that we were able to meet up so far from our homes.


  1. I'm first to comment! Having lots of fun at the beach. Looking forward to a few more days!

  2. I have posted several times. I do hope there is not a problem.

  3. Keep the posts coming. Looks fantastic! Utah Plendls

    1. Glad you are following the blog. FYI: Jeff also came up as unknown and he had to do something to his profile to change it. Hope everyone is doing well.
