Friday, March 16, 2012

First Stop Northbend OR

After several years and of thinking about this and several months of anticipation, we have embarked on our Great Adventure.  We left home base this morning at 10:00 after spending the last several days preparing the house and stocking the RV.  This all done between rain storms and wishing to be in better weather.  We had sunshine most of the day but as soon as we reached today's destination , it started to pour.  So we are sitting just outside of North Bend in a KOA listening to the pitter-patter on the roof.  Thankfully we have a pull through site and did not have to unhitch the tow-dolly.  Have decided the next vehicle will be a car that can be flat towed.  First attempt the get the oven to work and recognized that we need an oven thermometer.   Learning a lot already.  One tank of gas down and countless more to go. Destination tomorrow is Willits CA. 90% chance of rain but no snow.  Yippee.

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