Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another sunny day in California.  No intent here to make our WA and OR friends feel bad but ... sunny and 75 today.  However, we still can't get the satellite to work.  Ran errands yesterday which is not much different than being in Olympia except we have to use the GPS a lot.  Played games and helped Justin put a rocket together.  Its amazing the way he can look at an instruction sheet and translate that to the project construction.  This one required nuts and bolts.  I know an adult or two who still need someone to translate an instruction sheet.  We also got major information from Garret on toads and rocks.  And we ended the evening with games and a little TV with Jeff and Vicki  .Enjoyed a new game called Ticket To Ride. Lots of fun-  I won both games.   Today we are celebrating Justin's birthday. kmp

1 comment:

  1. Say hi to Jeff, Vicky and the boys for me. And a special Happy Birthday to Justin. I am enjoying your blog. Keep up the good writing.
