Friday, May 4, 2012

Potholes State Park

We are here in Potholes State Park just outside of Othello WA enjoying our last day of this trip.  It is a beautiful day here.  There is one little glitch.  The park has not had any water since about 9:00 this morning.  It seems that the pump has no electricity.  Hopefully this will be resolved today.  It is 2:00 now.

Larry Paske arrived about a hour ago.  He and a friend came here to fish all week.  Gary is now enjoying some much needed (I assume) male bonding time. 

This has been a relaxing way to spend the last days of our trip.  I can't believe all that we have seen and all we have done over the past seven weeks.  It has gone by so fast and we have enjoyed every bit of it.
We both agreed that this has been a great trip and we are  pleased with how everything has worked in the RV.  So back to Olympia tomorrow and to  planning our next adventure.  Until next time. . . . .

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Baker City Oregon

Arrived at Baker City Oregon about 1:00 PDT.  We wanted to explore some of the area as this was the major route for the Oregon Trail.  We visited the Oregon Trail Intrepretive Center. This was a very interesting museum with life size dioramas and interesting displays.  It took the Immigrants 6 months and most walked the 2000 miles to get to Oregon City and trail's end.  It's hard to imagine the rigors of that trip when we can now cross the same space in just a few days by car.  We would like to return when we have a little more time and walk some of the trails. As it was, we spent over 2 hours there.  You can actually see the ruts the wagons left over 150 years ago.  We highly recommend it for anyone coming through Baker City on I 84.  We spent so much time there that we didn't see any of the other museums in town so this definitely rates another return trip.  We are heading up to Potholes Lake State Park for our last 2 days and then home on Saturday.

Looking across the valley on the Oregon Trail

Elkhorn Mountains

Trail Marker placed in 1943

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mountain Home ID

Leaving Wyoming

Wasatch Mt heading west

Mt Home RV Park
We left Rock Springs early this morning to avoid the high winds.  It blew hard and rained most of the night.  The winds were only about 15mph this morning.  It was much better than yesterday.  Stopped for breakfast at Evanston.  I think Wyoming wins the contest for wind over Lancaster CA.  At least in Lancaster we were sitting still.  After leaving Wyoming the drive got much better.  Stopped for the night in Mountain Home Idaho at a lovely RV Park.  On to Baker City Oregon tomorrow.  I can't believe that our first great adventure is almost over.